
ONNX supported TorchScript operators

.. This file is automatically generated during the documentation build
.. by cross referencing ONNX operator symbolics with TorchScript operators via
.. ``docs/source/scripts/build_onnx_supported_aten_op_csv_table.py``.
.. Do not modify directly and instead `rebuild the docs <https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch#building-the-documentation>`_.

This page lists the TorchScript operators that are supported/unsupported by ONNX export.

Supported operators

.. csv-table:: ONNX support for TorchScript operators
   :file: ../build/onnx/auto_gen_supported_op_list.csv
   :widths: 70, 30
   :header-rows: 1

Unsupported operators

Operators that are not yet supported

.. csv-table:: Unsupported operators
   :file: ../build/onnx/auto_gen_unsupported_op_list.csv
   :widths: 70, 30
   :header-rows: 1